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The Bahá’í Faith and Islam: Proceedings of a Symposium, McGill University, March 23-25, 1984
- The Baha'i Perspective on the History of Religion - Alessandro Bausani
- The Baha'i Attitude towards Peace and Its Christian and Islamic Background - Johann Christoph Burgel
- Social Change and the Mirrors of Tradition: The Baha'is of Yazd - Michael M. J. Fischer
- The Baha'i Faith in Its Second Century - J. Douglas Martin
- The Historical Interrelationship of Islam and the Baha'i Faith - Heshmat Moayyad
- The Development of Shaykhi Thought in Shi'i Islam - Vahid Rafati
- Iqbal and the Babi-Baha'i Faith - Annemarie Schimmel
- Interpreting Islam: Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran - Marvin Zonis and Daniel Brumberg

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